Streamline Sports

Vendor Refund Requirements

The responsibilities and rights outlined in these Refund Policy Guidelines are in addition to our Terms of Use.

1. Refund Policies and Management

1.1 Basic Requirements

We understand that refund policies can differ depending on the type of event and the Organiser. Therefore, we allow Organisers to set their own refund policies for their events, as long as they meet the following basic requirements:

Policy Disclosure: Refund policies must be clearly displayed on the event page and should explain the process in cases of rejection, withdrawal, or special circumstances (such as medical issues).

"No Refund" Policies: These are acceptable but must be explicitly labeled as such and still adhere to these basic requirements.

Event Non-Delivery: All refund policies, including "no refund" policies, must provide for refunds or equivalent remedies if the promised goods or services are not delivered (e.g., if the event is cancelled).

Request Process: The policy must include detailed instructions on how to request a refund, including contact information and the process timeline.

Policy Consistency: Refund policies cannot be changed retroactively for purchases made before any policy update is posted on the event page.

Timely Response: Refund policies must specify a clear timeframe within which refund requests will be processed.

Fairness: Refund policies must be reasonable and equitable.

If an Organiser fails to post a refund policy or if the policy does not meet these basic requirements, Streamline may, at its discretion, modify the policy to ensure compliance. This could involve updating the refund policy on the event page or applying these changes retroactively during disputes, chargebacks, or refund requests.

1.2 Refund Procedure

To initiate a refund request, consumers should contact the Organiser directly, as per the event’s refund policy. If no contact details are provided, consumers are advised to use the “Contact the Organiser” button on the event page or any other contact information listed. Organisers must manage their refund policies according to the terms stated on the event page and the basic requirements outlined in Section 1.1 above.

2. No Assurance or Guarantee

These Refund Policy Guidelines do not serve as insurance or a guarantee of the Organiser's performance. There is no guarantee that refunds will be granted in every situation.